
Sometimes a Little Help Goes a Long Way.

ELDER ACHIEVERS services are generally targeted at activities of day-to-day living. That can range from simple companionship, to personal care, to professional homemakers, to implementing physician prescribed treatments, or recording vital signs. We’ll work with you, your family, and your other providers to implement your independence plan by making available whatever range of help you may need, even if that requires a project to make your place wheelchair accessible, or a room cleanout to storage!

Generally though, on any given day, that could mean assisting you with personal hygiene before preparing breakfast, catching a little news on TV before we go with you to the day’s medical appointment. After lunch, we may help paint the hallway you have been planning. Then we may take Rover out for a walk with you, or for you. After dinner, you may want to relax, or maybe you want to go out again and take in a movie or the like. Before retiring for the night, we may remind you to remember to take your meds. We will match the helper with your needs. In the end, everything we do is aimed at maintaining your independence.